Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Laggangarbh Meet 22-24 Aug 2008

9 persons attended this Meet which was disappointing as more had been anticipated. Only 4 were present on the Friday. Those there were Graham & Lindsay Wyllie, John Meechan, Brian Penman for 2 nights and David and Irene Morris, Martin Dand, Steve Gilfeather and Jim Wyllie for one night.
Friday and Saturday were pretty good weatherwise while Sunday was a washout.On Friday Graham and Lindsay climbed Sgiath Chuil and Graham also bagged Meall Glas.On Saturday John and Graham did the severe rock climb called Shackle on the Buchaille while Lindsay climbed the Corbett, Meall Liagache. Brian did the Munros Sgurr Thuilm and Sgurr nan Coireachan at Glen Shiel. So he has only 4 left.
Meanwhile Martin and Steve bagged Ben Alder and Beinn Bheoil on the way up. Some of the non hen pecked who attended will also be at David and Irene's last Munro next weekend.

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